The Constable Kenny Koala program is committed to doing its part to limit the spread of COVID-19 in the community and there will be enhanced hygiene measures in place when he visits your school.The COVID-19 situation will continue to be monitored and bookings will be confirmed one week prior to his visit.We appreciate your understanding as we do all we can to support young children and their families. Constable Kenny Koala attends day care, preschools and primary schools in Canberra to present a range of safety topics to children aged three to 12-years-old.There is no cost for Constable Kenny to visit your school.We recommend that you make all your bookings for the year at the one time. Most schools usually book a session per term. No more than 90 children are permitted in a session (maximum of three classes).Stay OK on the ROAD: Road safetyAge groups: Available for all age groupsDuration: 30 minutes Themes covered:using safety equipment including seatbelts and helmetssafe behaviours walking or riding on or near roadsroad rules for the car and road.Stay OK in the COMMUNITY: Protective behavioursAge groups: Available for all age groupsDuration: 30 minutes Themes covered:how to keep yourself safedealing with strangerswho to speak to if you get into trouble or feel unsafe.Stay OK online: Cyber safety (via ThinkUKnow)Age groups: Kindergarten – Year 2Duration: 30 minutes Themes covered:What the internet isonline safetyimportance of parent/carer supervisionidentify adults who can help if something goes wrong.Bookings for Year 3-6 Cyber Safety presentations can be made closer to the start of 2021 by visiting OK every day: Decision making and consequencesAge groups: Kindergarten – Year 4Duration: 30 minutesThemes covered:thinking about every day choicesimmediate consequences of actions/decisionshow actions can affect others and themselves.Stay OK for LIFE: Decision making and consequencesAge groups: Years 5 and 6Duration: 45 minutesThemes covered:thinking about consequences before actingimmediate and long term consequences of actions/decisionshow actions affect others. Book a full day Full Day Bookings A full day is six presentations for a range of classes within a school booked within a single day. Bookings will run in a row with the exception of breaks for recess and lunch. Book individual sessions Individual Sessions Up to 6 individual sessions can be booked within a day. Alternatively, multiple sessions can be booked across the year. No more than 90 children are permitted in a session (maximum of three classes). If you require more information please contact the Constable Kenny booking line on 1800-2-KENNY (1800-2-53669).