Your privacy and the privacy of your family are important to us.

The Constable Kenny Koala Application does NOT collect, store or disclose, or use in any way personal information from its users, nor does it use any mobile systems such as camera, geo-location, or files.

The player name collected at the start of a game is for the purposes of gameplay only, and is not stored at the conclusion of the game. Encourage your child to enter a silly name or nickname rather than their full name as their player name, to minimise the possibility that their full name might be visible to a third party overlooking their device screen.

A web log containing the IP address of the relevant device may be retained for a limited time for troubleshooting purposes. It will not be linked to any identifying information about you or your child.

For further information on how the Australian Federal Police handles the personal information it collects and holds, see its Privacy Policy here.


Please also review the Privacy Policy of the location where you download this game (Android Google Play Store or IOS Apple App Store as the case may be).