The internet has had an impact on all of our lives. Our children are using the internet and social media to play games, make friends, to communicate, search and share photos. Children are quick to pick up on trends in technology. Therefore it is as important to protect children online as it is in the real world.
Do you know what your children do online? Do they know about the dangers of the internet?
Our cyber safety presentation focuses on teaching children how to make good decisions online. The lesson plan covers issues of cyber bullying, online grooming and peer pressure. Constable Kenny explains how decisions can affect others, and who children can turn to for help.
Visit our YouTube channel for Constable Kenny Koala cyber safety videos for a range of age groups.
Related links
Stay Smart Online is the Government's cyber security website designed to help Australians understand cyber security risks and educate home and small business users on the simple steps they can take to protect their personal and financial information online. The website is hosted by the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy and has received input and support from a range of other Australian Government agencies which have related responsibilities.
Another great resource for parents offering practical tips and guidance on staying safe online is the ThinkuKnow website. Created by the UK Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre, ThinkUKnow Australia has been developed by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and Microsoft Australia.
If you are a member of a school Parents and Citizens Association or community organisation and would like to request a presentation relating to online safety send a request to the AFP High Tech Crime Prevention team at HTCO-CrimePrevention@afp.gov.au.