I'm Constable Kenny and I visit lots of schools and events. You have probably seen me out and about.
I have some special tips here to make sure you stay safe when you are not at home or at school. Sometimes when kids are out with their family they can get lost. If this happens - stay calm and find someone you can trust wearing a uniform like a police officer or shop keeper.
stay close to a grownup and hold their hand when you are out
know your name, address and parent's mobile numbers (or that of a trusted adult)
don't speak to adults you don't know
don't take toys or food from people you don't know
always stay with your parents or a friend
if you get lost find someone you can trust wearing a uniform like a police officer or shop keeper
it is ok to say no if you feel uncomfortable
if a stranger makes you feel unsafe, tell a trusted adult straight away
Call Triple Zero (000) in an emergency.